Comment here about what you thought about book#1, or any questions you have about the characters, storyline, etc.

5/28/2013 02:20:33 am

This is a splendid book! It has everything a stellar story should: suspense, love, soul, horror, loss, love, mythology, power....did I say love? Not the Hollywood kind, but the kindred spirit, love-of-the-land, depth-of-my-soul kind that hurts so much it feels divine. READ THIS BOOK! Thank you Maggie Stiefvater for confirming my belief in the power of myth.

Jessica Streck Ortolano
6/10/2013 09:00:56 am

The Scorpio Races is a different book from Lament and Shiver and I loved it. This is one of those books that’s labeled "YA" but totally could have been an Adult book. The pacing is slow but deliberate, and the character development is perfectly patient. The purpose & point of 'Scorpio Races' wasn't the action, but in the development and depth that Maggie Stiefvater poured into each and every one of her characters and settings.

It is a must read for any librarian interested in serving youth and adults alike!

Dawna Neil
6/27/2013 08:22:01 am

I adored the experience of this book! I can't say that I read it, exactly, because I listened to the audio book, but I'm 110% glad that I did. For those interested, the reading is phenomenally done by a male and female actor, each reading their character's chapters in delightfully authentic English accents and transporting you into Stiefvater's world of water horses. The audio book also features Celtic music written and performed by Maggie Stiefvater, herself, who's a musician. The music and the her commentary, in her own voice, at the conclusion of the story make listening a truly incredible experience. I previously read and enjoyed her Shiver trilogy, but was pleasantly surprised by the differences in the pacing and the romance. I love the story, the writing, the reading, the music and the commentary. In short, the full experience of The Scorpio Races is one that will not quickly leave me.

Dawn Dvorak
8/18/2013 09:31:11 am

Unfortunately, I didn't like this book as much as everyone else. I think the author did a good job with the two main characters, Puck and Sean, explaining their feelings and motivations behind racing, but I don't think the other characters were fully fleshed out. I found the myth of the water horses interesting, and the race itself was action-packed and suspenseful, but I definitely had a problem with the pacing. There was so much build-up to the races, which definitely dragged, and then the race flew by and the book ended shortly thereafter. However, I did like the slow build-up of Puck and Sean's relationship, and the only potential love triangle coming from their love of their horses and families. It was definitely a welcome change from other young adult books I've read!


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